Sunday, March 15, 2015

A quick post

So, the site won't let me start at the top….with the guy from Blick who was so helpful and charming. It was his birthday and he'd done a touch up on his hair for the occasion.
I bought some blue splat, brand name, but haven't used it yet…
I thought he looked gorgeous.

And then there's the still snow from two days ago. It's gotten on my nerves.

And there's Bogie going to the groomer who shaved him down…he was a huge mess, now he's a scrawny clean dog who doesn't look like himself.

and here's the bag of water that I am trying to shoot into him every day. I had a terrible time learning how to do this and had help from a neighbor who had experience with his cat…. that helped. And I managed for two days and then last night, the whole bag dripped out, somewhere. It's Sunday and I can't get any more until I go back to the vet office tomorrow…

He has kidney failure and the odds aren't good…but I'll keep him going as long as he isn't in pain, not that I can entirely tell what pain is for him.

 Fifteen years. He's been the best companion, endlessly polite,until recently. And he did some service…as a therapy dog, not just for me.

I have to finish my taxes today. I've been stalling…and they have to go in the mail tomorrow...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Arrived at your blog by the strangest serendipity: I was working on some thing via my laptop and started thinking about something related to photography (not too strange in itself, having been a photographer for at least 43 of my 59 years), and, out of nowhere, your name popped up in my head - not on account of our ever meeting (we didn't), but because of remembering reading a profile on you and your work from an old (1974 or '75) copy of Camera 35 magazine, and I had the inevitable "what's she doing now..assuming she's still on this mortal coil?" moment. This being the post-postmodern age, I did a search, and here I am...and there you are. I suppose I have a bit of blog backtracking to do, which I shall. Meanwhile, good to see you're still about.

  3. Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours.

    Greetings from London.
