Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Computer

This is the problem. The computer. It has separated me from many tasks that I take forgranted. The worst part was being separated from what I needed to accomplish, files that I needed to put on disks and then mail.

The problem first showed itself when I was trying to do just that, put self-portraits on a file for Liz Hesik so that I could mail them to her in California. She's been editing a video in which my only, and very long ago, ex-husband and I talk about the traumas of our past. It's so complicated that I couldn't even take a crack at editing it myself, so she's been the sole caretaker of this work. I've finally seen a rough draft of the video and need to respond. Part of my response is adding photographs of my daughter and I as an after-thought. The computer refused to do it.

And it's refusing to write lists of names I need to send to a publisher of my first chapbook of poetry.

And it's refusing to deal with the hand-out for the Photo I summer class I start teaching tomorrow.

It's very kindly allowed me to blog again, but I imagine that it will have enough of this shortly and crash yet again, so that it will have yet another trip to the repair shop and those fellows who are earnestly trying to fix the old thing, well past it's prime, but too precious to replace since my learning curve is about shot and I don't want to refine my FinalCutPro and Photoshop skills.


  1. I hope a techie wiz solves the problem!

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! It took four trips to Computer Loft. They found the problem right away, but there were numerous glitches. It got so my car could just head, by itself, to Allston.
