Sunday, November 29, 2009

Enough, enough, enough

but just a few more images. My forlorn face, oh, yes, lost my lunch money again, after I've had a haircut from the most beautiful Diana in Chelsea. 

M. and S. at Salvation Army. S. has found a beautiful vest which has been carefully mended. M. says, "I couldn't buy it. It has too much of the previous owner left." 

I couldn't understand why on earth they could have so much fun poking around, looking at clothes, but S. found a wonderful bracelet and a coat for her son in Buffalo something or other, a consignment shop just down the street. 

I never know who I am in these stores and pick up something, "Look, M., a boiled jacket," which is something my aunt Marion would have thought was of value but I would never wear in a million years.

I had bought a wonderful vest, apparent in the photo, when Krissy and I went to Target the day before Thanksgiving. It was $7 and looks a bit like the dog ate it. Just my style.

After Bagel Bards, the Salvation Army, the hair cut, there was T.J. Max's where S. wanted to wander. I bought a coat. A very unusual coat that makes me look like I'm fun. I hope I wear it.

It was a long day. A lot of talking, interesting talking with B. at the Bagel Bards about his work with men on probation. What was such an odd coincidence is that he works in the program with Taylor Stoehr who I'd just met last week. A student had been reading prison diaries during my class and I asked who on earth was teaching that course. And he told me. And I e-mailed that professor because I had to meet another faculty member who is actually working with people in a way that doesn't invest himself in what they will later achieve with the material he's spending so much energy helping open them up to learning. 

It was remarkable to talk to Taylor Stoehr on the eve of his retirement, to listen to his pleasure in working with these men, his acceptance that it was valuable and important to take part in these classes whether or not the men go on to more education.  And it was really interesting to learn that B., a retired professor, a poet, a Bagel Bard friend, and he are great friends. 

Synchronicity as the Dishwasher's artist wife says.

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